"HTML5 e CSS3 - Módulo 2"
How to display code

"Curso em Vídeo"
This is the student's notebook of Ricardo Barros Becheli

How to display code

The <code> tag:

The code tag above is between the <code> tags, which turns the fonts into "monospaced". The black background and the green font color are CSS styles I have added. The same happens with the open and close tag symbols, which I added through the "HTML entities" we will see in the next topic.

A monospaced font, also called a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font, is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space. This contrasts with variable-width fonts, where the letters and spacings have different widths. Check the comparison below. (From Wikipedia).

proportional versus monospaced image comparison.

If you just put a JS code snippet into a <code> tag it does not replicate the line breaks and the identing, like the example below:

matches.forEach(function(match) { match.parentNode.removeChild(match); });

It's just rendered as monospaced font (and - in this particular case - plus the black and green CSS I applied to all the code tags).

The <pre> tag:

So if you really want it to be displayed like the real code in the editor you must apply the <code> tag inside the <pre> tag (check the source).

This tag also displays the text as it is formated at the origin, or PRE-formated (hence the name of the tag).

And it renders code as follows:

            matches.forEach(function(match) { 

Important remarks:

  1. Line height was set to 18px so the braces opening was not cut by the second line background color.
  2. Only here I "removed" (by applying - inline - other style upon the black and green) the black and green CSS I applied to all the code tags (with regrets and I've learned from that) .

Here's additional information about that from my Rocketseat course page:

Please, pay attention where it mentions the HTML entities.

<pre> The PREFORMATED TEXT element according to MDN Web Docs:

What is MDN logo ?

(This is the old logo. The MDN logo has changed as from March 1, 2022 - I coudn't get any to show here. And now I discovered that I didn't get any because so far there's none "ready made": The new logo is built from CSS traces, not a png or jpg image.).

OPS! Just after writing this (on March 3/2022) I found a png one at Wikipedia, and here it is:

New MDM Web Docs logo

The HTML element represents preformatted text which is to be presented exactly as written in the HTML file (*!!!). The text is typically rendered using a non-proportional, or monospaced, font. Whitespace inside this element is displayed as written. Check it at MDN

*!!! Be careful !!! - It's not quite like that, as the very site continues:

If you have to display reserved characters such as <, >, & and " within the <pre> tag, they must be escaped using their respective HTML entity.


Do you remember what HTML entities are?

We've seen them above (check first).

Now let's review and see where they fit:

Entities are used to return / display special symbols.

"An HTML entity is used to display invisible and reserved characters that would otherwise be interpreted as HTML code.

n HTML entity is a piece of text, or string, that begins with an ampersand ( & ) and ends with a semicolon ( ; )./p>

For instance, HTML will interpret the less-than sign ( < ) as a tag opening if you don't write it as an entity.

The &lt; entity makes <

When I type the 3 characters above together (without scaping through an entity) they make this symbol: <

But if I want to show you the code that makes < I have to replace the & (ampersand) for its respactive entity, which is "&amp".

lt (LT in lowercase) means LESS THAN.

Always with a semicolon at the end.

The &gt; entity makes >

The same as above applies here, with "gt" instead of that.

Here we have 8 symbols written this way:

  1. ®
  2. ©
  3. ¥

Through this link you to to a COMPLETE LIST of html entities (more than 1,500), which will open in a new tab.