The Web colors are displayed in the monitors combining RED, GREEN, and BLUE light. That's where the name RGB come from.
So RGB is the standard but you can talk about RGB colors with your computer in other languages. In other words, you can set CSS colors either naming ther by their Red, Green and Blue values or by any other numeric patterns your computer can understand as colors in a CSS selector (hexadecimal, for instance, is very used).
As we saw in the CSS Intro page, all the 3 ways of implementing CSS into your page are somehow preceded by the word "style" or "stylesheet".
So, when you're in a "style" environment, which means a CSS environment, the most common forms of applying colors is through both "color" (changes the color of the text) and "background-color" (the name says it all) properties of the CSS declaration. Let's check how it fits in the 3 ways of CSS:
Internal CSS:
Inline CSS:
External CSS:
This is the HTML SIDE of the external CSS (a link mentioning stylesheet that leads to a separate .css extention file):
And this is the CSS SIDE of the external CSS:
1.1) Color palette
In color theory, a color scheme (or palette) is the choice of colors used in various artistic and design contexts. For example, the "Achromatic" use of a white background with black text is an example of a basic and commonly default color scheme in web design. Color schemes are used to create style and appeal. Colors that create an aesthetic feeling when used together will commonly accompany each other in color schemes. (Wikipedia - Color_scheme)
You may not realize but every graphic design you see, be it a website or an advertising and even a movie, has its color palette. And it is used to make you feel something. We'll see the psychological effect of colors later in the course. But if you are curous about it, just check this article by Nicole Martins Ferreira: "How color meanings affect your brand".
To build your own color pallete you may first go to Adobe Colors. The color wheel (or image in the Extract Theme tab) can be used to generate a color palette, which appear below the wheel.
On the left side of the page you can choose among ten color harmony rules.
At any time you can move the small balls in the color wheel to choose your own hue and saturation for each color rule.
Under each color rectangle below the color wheel is its hexadecimal code, which an be copied and pasted directly on your css code.
1.2) Picking a color from screen
To pick a color or a theme you like from any image you have in your device just open the same Adobe Colors as above linked and choose the "Extract Theme" tab. The screen will be the following:
Once you get there, put an image file into the center rectangle, as directed.
If your target image is a website, just make a "print screen" from that page and submit the image as directed.
See the test I made with a watercolor by my friend José Guyer Salles:
At any time you can move the small balls in the color wheel to choose the colors you want to pick, if different from what was automatically done.
Under each color rectangle below the color wheel is its hexadecimal code, which an be copied and pasted directly on your css code.
1.3) Making a CSS gradient
First let's make a 500 pixels high div we can work with background colors inside.
A word about the div
First: neither div nor span are semantic. Avoid them.
So, instead of making a div I'll make an article
If the width is not set, the browsers assume that it's 100% wide (margins left and right = zero).
If a width is set, a margin: auto; CSS centralizes it. Check a real example and its code below:
The article class is called gradient and displays a bonus violet box-shadow
This is a radial gradient from white to blue. There are other forms to do it, like linear in several directions (including directions in degrees, like "45deg" - positive or negative - for instance), repeating linear and repeating radial. VS Code's Emmet gives you almost all those options when you start writing background-image in the CSS area/file.
To each color of the gradient a percentage can be attributed right after its name (or value) so it accupies more space or less space in the gradient.
Color psychology is a sub-field of behavioral psychology that studies how colors affect human behavior. It focuses on the emotions, attitudes, and values associated with colors. Let's look at some of those colors and human behaviors most closely associated with them.
Many of us may not realize it, but the colors as used on anyone website are also meant to elicit certain reactions, emotions, and attitudes from the people who visit them. At least that's what color psychology is telling us.
Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point sizes, line lengths, line-spacing (leading), and letter-spacing (tracking), as well as adjusting the space between pairs of letters (kerning). The term typography is also applied to the style, arrangement, and appearance of the letters, numbers, and symbols created by the process.
The above quotation from wikipedia gives us a hint that, as well as colors, typefaces can cause some level of emotios, feelings, to the reader. And continuing with Wikipedia:
Typography has long been a vital part of promotional material and advertising. Designers often use typefaces to set a theme and mood in an advertisement (for example, using bold, large text to convey a particular message to the reader).[49] Choice of typeface is often used to draw attention to a particular advertisement, combined with efficient use of color, shapes, and images. Today, typography in advertising often reflects a company's brand.
A brand may use typography to express its theme, personality, and message. Just by looking at the typeface, viewers can get an idea about the message and personality of the brand, which the brands are fully aware of and are tapping into the power of good typography.
Typefaces used in advertisements convey different messages to the reader: classical ones are for a strong personality, while more modern ones may convey clean, neutral look. Bold typefaces are used for making statements and attracting attention. In any design, a balance has to be achieved between the visual impact and communication aspects. Digital technology in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries has enabled the creation of typefaces for advertising that are more experimental than traditional typefaces.
As you must have noticed in your previous experience with text softwares, a kind of letter is called font. In fact it's been called font since 1995, according to the Wikipedia article above.
This paragraph is written in a different font family as the rest of the page. And it is applied with inline CSS as follows:
As all the other CSS style effects, you may choose to apply it by inline or internal or external CSS
Note that when the font family name is composed of more than one word, it must be between quotes,like the "Arial Narrow Bold" in the above code snippet.
There are always 3 types of font in each Emmet suggestion. It's called a
safe combination that provides options to a certain device (mobile, tablet, Smart TV, PC, you name it) in case it doesn't have one of the chosen. In that case, a very similar one will be used.
If you don't mind which particular font will be used, you may always choose serif or sans-serif as a font family and there will be no mistake. Every device must have at least one of each kind to display.
2.2) Font sizes
2.2.1) Absolute mesurements:
cm (centimeter) can have different displays depending on the size of the device.
mm (milimeter) can have different displays depending on the size of the device.
in (inch) can have different displays depending on the size of the device.
px (pixel) can have different displays in Apple retina monitors.
pt (point) A printed in paper measurement.
pc (paica) A printed in paper measurement.
2.2.1) Relative mesurements:
em (in proportion to the capital letter hight of the font size).
ex (in proportion to the "x"" hight of the font size).
rem (in proportion to the root [top parent's] font size).
vw (in proportion to the viewport [the screen] width of your device).
vh (in proportion to the viewport [the screen] hight of your device)
From 100 to 900 are values that range from the equivalent to lighter (100) to bolder (900).
2.2.3) Other styles
Of course all the styles you already apply in MS Word are available here, like italic (made with the <em> tag) and bold (made with the <srtong> tag).
Underline is made with text-decoration: underline; simple declaration in the internal and external CSS.
But to make it inline, there must be a <span> tag, like here.
But the above works better in one word or a few words. To make it in block (like all the paragraphs, all the h1 titles, the whole page, a group of paragraphs or one paragraph) its better to make it CSS internal or external, like this:
To make a shorthand (to use 1 line instead of 4) of the above just declare font: and put the properties in the following order: style weight size family
Like that:
font: italic bolder 2em 'Courrier New'
Note: you don't have to declare all the 4 properties, but you must mantain the same order, even skipping some of them.
Don't forget the order:
2.2.4) Font family options
At you have a lot of font options to use (more than 1,300!!!). Once you choose a font, you can download, embed or import the font. The last option is the most practical. Just copy the given code and insert it into the first lines of the CSS space (outside any selectors) of your website or page to be used where you want, as if it was installed in your device. You must be connected to the web, though. You can do it with as many fonts as you like in the same website's CSS space/file.
As the teacher says, there are other websites that do the same but he likes Google Fonts. And, of course, it's free to use.
Remember always to declare, at the end of the font family line, the general type, I mean, serif or sans-serif, just in case anything else works for any reason.
2.2.5) The @font-face Rule (CSS) and the font-family property (HTML)
With CSS, websites can finally use fonts other than the pre selected "web-safe" fonts.
a) To use a new font in the CSS area: After you download a font to your website folder (a folder of your choice), just declare the font name (suppose it's "Open Sans") and the URL where it can be found (remember it's already in a folder of your choice and suppose it's called fonts):
It's part of the syntax to declare the format after the url, like above. The file type is repeated inside the parenthesis: format("woff2"). It's better to check if the format really equals the file type.
b) To use the font for an HTML element: refer to the name of the font (myFirstFont) through the font-family property:
div {
font-family: myFirstFont;
Note: With Fonts Ninja extention, obtained at Chrome Web Store, you can discover what kind of font is that you liked in someone else's web page.
And at you can discover what kind of fonts are used in any illustration, any picture.
The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of the content inside a block element or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.
The same as left if direction is left-to-right and right if direction is right-to-left.
The same as right if direction is left-to-right and left if direction is right-to-left.
The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box.
The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box.
The inline contents are centered within the line box.
The inline contents are justified. Text should be spaced to line up its left and right edges to the left and right edges of the line box, except for the last line.
justify-all :
Same as justify, but also forces the last line to be justified.
Similar to inherit, but the values start and end are calculated according to the parent's direction and are replaced by the appropriate left or right value.
When applied to a table cell, specifies the alignment character around which the cell's contents will align.
3.2) Indent
The text-indent property can be used in paragraph tag/selectors to make a (let's say) 30px space before the first line begins.
3.3) Accessibility concerns
The inconsistent spacing between words created by justified text can be problematic for people with cognitive concerns such as Dyslexia.
id and class are perzonalizable selectors. Let's see the differences among them.
4.1) id
Sometimes I may want one of the many <h1> in the website to have a different - let's say - font color as I had declared for all the <h1> in the .css file.
To do that I identify the <h1> with an id selector.
The id of an element is unique within a page, so the id selector is used to select one unique element (one and only one!), i.e. an <h1> tag.
To this <h1>
I attributed an id called different.
It must be used only here.
First I did it in the HTML file. As all the attributes, you put it in the opening tag. Look:
Note below that the id selector at the CSS file is a # (hashtag).
In the first example below the teacher wanted to specify that the id style is directed only to that <h1> tag so he wrote h1#different in the CSS file. As the teacher himself said later in the lesson, you don't have to do this. And I dare to add: It's COMPLETELY USELESS AND CONFUSING because each id attribute belongs to one place only. Period. You don't have to over specify.
In the .css file it looks like that:
The second example the different id will be valid for that tag to which it was attributed and that's enough.
4.1.1) id in local navbar
As id defines an unique item it is used also for pointing the local page's navbar to that item.
a) One HTML id for each navbar item, like in these pictures below.
I've created an <article> for each topic's text area (my choice) and assigned an unique id for each topic (as it must be). The marking of the "colors" topic looks as follows:
The marking of the "typography" topic (the same article sequence as above):
b) The navbar's styling (in the CSS file):
Note that there's no # or dot selectors here because HTML elements (like h1, p, ul, etc...) don't need any of those.
C) The navbar assembling, in the HTML file:
Check this page's HTML and CSS navbar codes, please. And the navbar itself at the top of the page, of course.
4.2) class
The HTML class is an attribute for some tag.
The class global attribute is a space-separated list of the case-sensitive classes of the element. Classes allow CSS and Javascript to select and access specific elements via the class selectors or functions like the DOM* method: document.getElementsByClassName.
* The Document Object Model (DOM) is the data representation of the objects that comprise the structure and content of a document on the web.
Read more at MDN Web Docs
Though the specification doesn't put requirements on the name of classes, web developers are encouraged to use names that describe the semantic purpose of the element, rather than the presentation of the element. For example, clarify-box (to the box below) to describe an attribute rather than only "box", although this class may be presented by a box. Semantic names remain logical (the clarification part of it) even if the presentation of the page changes (if one day it's not a box any longer).
See how class looks in HTML:
Class is identified in CSS by the . (dot) selector before the class name without space. And after the name, a space and open curly braces (VS Code's Emmet closes it for you):
4.2.1) Multiple classes per element???
Yes, it's possible. But how many?
According to Kilian Valkhof, I expected to find a number of 32 or something near that. Turns out I was quite mistaken, the real number, in all browsers, is well over 2000 classes!
Example of a code with 2 classes, from Stackoverflow. Note that there's only a space between each class, in the HTML code.
But... Is it good practice? According to the same Stackoverflow link as above:
It is a good practice since an element can be a part of different groups, and you may want specific elements to be a part of more than one group. The element can hold an infinite number of classes in HTML5.
Another dev thereof adds: It's a good practice if you need them. It's also a good practice is they make sense, so future coders can understand what you're doing.
But generally, no it's not a good practice to attach 10 class names to an object because most likely whatever you're using them for, you could accomplish the same thing with far fewer classes. Probably just 1 or 2.
4.3) div
<div> is the content division HTML element. It is the generic container for flow content. It has no effect on the content or layout until styled in some way using CSS (e.g. styling is directly applied to it, or some kind of layout model like Flexbox is applied to its parent element).
As a "pure" container, the <div> element does not inherently represent anything. Instead, it's used to group content so it can be easily styled using the class or id attributes, marking a section of a document as being written in a different language (using the lang attribute), and so on.
5) Pseudo-classes
A pseudo-class is used to define a special state of an element.
For example, it can be used to:
Style an element when a user mouses over it
Style visited and unvisited links differently
Style an element when it gets focus
The teacher created 3 divs to show us how pseudo-classes work. Please, pass the mouse pointer over each one.
I put the three of them in a div+class "alignment" to do some tests. It shrinks when hoovered. I will certainly learn how to keep them quiet, very soon. It used to bounce a lot but it ceased when I took the "text-align:left" off from "div:hover" CSS code.
This is div A
Hidden <p>
This is div B
This is div C
Check the two codes. First the HTML, then CSS. It only works in "div A" because it's the only one with an id called "d1" and a paragrgaph tag inside:
The HTML code:
The CSS code:
Pseudo-classes let you apply a style to an element in relation to:
The content of the document tree;
External factors like the history of the navigator (:visited, for example);
The status of its content (like :checked on certain form elements);
The position of the mouse (like :hover, which lets you know if the mouse is over an element or not).
6.2) Curso em Video's lesson about pseudo-elements:
Generating or creating content with CSS is possible by declaring the content property in one of the following pseudo-elements:("Maujor - The CSS Dinosaur")
Check the example of ::after appyed to the pseu-el-paragraph class in the CSS code:
6.2.1) Personalizing links:
I created a class inside these paragraphs so only them are affected by the pseudo-element.
The green text was not part of the HTML file. It was inserted there by the pseudo-element ::after.
Check the HTML code:
Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements review
Selectors' notation symbols in these lessons:
# = id
. = class
: = pseudo-class
:: = pseudo-element
> = child (or children)
MDN Web Docs gives us an overview of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements in the same page.
The next set of selectors we will look at are referred to as pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. There are a large number of these, and they often serve quite specific purposes.
Once you know how to use them, you can look at the list to see if there is something which works for the task you are trying to achieve.
Once again the relevant MDN page for each selector is helpful in explaining browser support.
Every topic in this notebook is an HTML <article>. It would be unoticeable unless I surround it with a border (blue) and an extra outline too (yellow), as I did.
All HTML elements can be considered as boxes. Every HTML element "makes" a box around its content, even if the box is invisible, like the invisible dashed one displayed around the text below:
Below we see the text already with a padding space. But another space can be created outside the box so that the next object outsise don't get so close as to touch our box. This outside space is the margin :
This is an h1 example. Original. No bg color. Topic-separating underline.
And even if you write something in the same line, it will will go to the line below. Check the code:
a) Styling the box-level element (check the whole progression code after "a.3" below)
a.1) Modifying the background-color:
The background-color makes visible the box occupied by this <h1> element.
a.2) Modifying the size:
This is an h1 with a given background color and size.
a.3) Modifying the position (by margin):
The same w/ bkgr color, size and 10% left margin. Check the code below:
The HTML code:
The CSS code:
8) Chrome DevTools (Focused on CSS box-model)
Developer tools, often called devtools, allow you to inspect, test, and debug code on a browser that impacts the user interface. Marketers, SEO specialists, and designers can also use devtools to test changes and optimize their webpages.
Before we get into how to use Chrome DevTools, let's cover a few things you should know:
HTML, CCS, and JavaScript run on browsers so they are the three languages that you will work with on Chrome Developer Tools (DevTools).
Anyone can use browser devtools and manipulate the code. Browser DevToolshelps* you identify what changes you need to make.
However, remember DevTools is in your browser and the browser is the front-end.
So the changes will only appear on your browser and will be gone once you refresh the page.
To make those changes permanent, you'll have to go access the code on the back end. In our case, the "back end" is our code editor.
When you want to work with the DOM or CSS, right-click an element on the page and select Inspect to jump into the Elements panel. Or press Command+Option+C (Mac) or Control+Shift+C (Windows, Linux, ChromeOS).*
When you want to see logged messages or run JavaScript, press Command+Option+J (Mac) or Control+Shift+J (Windows, Linux, ChromeOS) to jump straight into the Console panel.*
If you press F12 in Google Chrome, a screen like this should open side by side with the web page you are visiting:
I highlighted the a.3 topic's h1 example and information about it is displayed in the Dev Tools area. Note the top menu that the "elements" tab is selected.
Let's check some detais in the picture below, about Dev Tools:
Highlighted in red are:
The "elements" tab is selected.
When you click/select an HTML element it gets a grey background and...
Their CSS styles are displayed in the right column area.
If "user agent stylesheet" is written somewhere in the style area it means that some defaut style values are given by the browser itself automatically, so I've seen instructor developers in YouTube attributing "zero" values for the "invisible" properties before start styling any object in CSS.
Margin left 10% attributed by me. The dev tools image displays a value translated into pixels but it changes according to the screen size.
"Margin-inline-end" (seen in"3"), which means right margin in this case, is set to zero by default by the browser. Displayed here in "6" as dashes (=zero).
These are are default top and bottom "h1" margin values (in pixels).
8.2) Changing values in Dev Tools
By clicking in the values displayed in the style section of Dev Tools a small box will open and you can change its value.
The amazing thing is that if you are viewing your page in a live server or alike you will see the style changing in real time and, most important, without modifying the code.
It's a test and when you find that the tested value displays in a satisfying way, you go to the code and apply the value.
In the picture below you see the <h2> element RGB color changed to (350, 50, 50) and it displays a dark orange font color for all <h2> in the page (not only this one, as I checked).
At the same time the original color values remain intact in the code. Look:
Allow me to repeat: If you find that the tested value displays in a satisfying way, you go to the code and apply the value.
The same is valid for box sizes. It is amazing to see the box size changing in real time until you find it's ok.
You may copy the properties from dev tools and paste them in the code editor's CSS file (or wherever it fits, like other element in dev tools).
And if you don't approve the changes tested in dev tools just refresh the page (if you are viewing in real time) and it returns to the last coded version.
If you are "clicked" in an adjustable value box like in the above figure you can slide the mouse wheel to make visible, for instance, shadows, margins or paddings changes in real time.
8.3) Creating a shadow with devtools
Let's create a box-shadow in this paragraph using devtools. Different from Curso em Video's lesson, devtools does not shows us the 3 dot options menu any longer. After sweating a lot I found that now you must declare the box-shadow in CSS first, whatever the values. Only then you may find the "magic" graphic tool, as it will be explained in the following images. Be careful! It might have changed again since I wrote this.
You must declare the box-shadow in CSS first.
Then you select the desired element in devtools. Check the image below: The box-shadow properties will appear in the style panel (red arrow). The question marks is where the 3-dot menu used to be. The blue arrow is the result. But the best is still to come.
Click the double square icon in the begining of the shadow values and the 'magic' shadow maker will open. Make the changes until the real-time effect displayed in your page peases you. Then copy the values to the CSS code editor. That's it. Ready!
Thank you, devmount! Without you it would be almost impossible to discover that such an important thing was modified in Google Chrome's Dev-Tools.
Of course there's documentation at but it's not easy to find the subject you are interested in.
9) Shorthand
Shorthand simplifies CSS writing.
Shorthand properties are CSS properties that let you set the values of multiple other CSS properties simultaneously. Using a shorthand property, you can write more concise (and often more readable) style sheets, saving time and energy (
A good webpage comprising information about shorthand is this one at
Let's go to the lesson:
We are going to simplify the border, padding, margin and outline of a class I'll call "short", to be applied to the next paragraph.
At the violet hour, when the eyes and back
Turn upward from the desk, when the human engine waits
Like a taxi throbbing waiting,
I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives,
Old man with wrinkled female breasts, can see
At the violet hour, the evening hour that strives
Homeward, and brings the sailor home from sea,
The typist home at teatime, clears her breakfast, lights
Her stove, and lays out food in tins.
(a snippet of "The Waste Land" by T. S. Eliot)
This "next" paragraph is here only to show how wide the "margin-bottom" of the previous paragraph is. Take a look at the CSS code:
First the CSS code:
Now the HTML code:
10) Box Model 2
10.1) From block/box to inline (and vice-versa)
The paragraph is a block (box-level) element. If you want it to behave/be displayed as inline, just declare in its CSS: "display: inline".
The opposite is also true.
10.2) Boxes and the HTML semantic structure
The HTML box model rules all the building process. It has everything to do with semantic structure.
Semantic HTML elements are those that clearly describe their meaning, as the most used:
Figure from w3schools
10.3) Box shadow
The box-shadow property attaches one or more shadows to an element.
A box shadow is put into effect by values of the following properties relative to the element:
X offset
Y offset
Blur radius
Spread radius
In shorthand they must be set in the same order as above.
10.3.1) First I'll let the examples close together so you can better compare, then I'll repeat, showing the code for each one. There you go!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate ipsum unde mollitia totam, architecto velit illum porro aut! Quia explicabo est qui placeat quaerat optio voluptate, suscipit harum odio quae!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate ipsum unde mollitia totam, architecto velit illum porro aut! Quia explicabo est qui placeat quaerat optio voluptate, suscipit harum odio quae!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate ipsum unde mollitia totam, architecto velit illum porro aut! Quia explicabo est qui placeat quaerat optio voluptate, suscipit harum odio quae!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate ipsum unde mollitia totam, architecto velit illum porro aut! Quia explicabo est qui placeat quaerat optio voluptate, suscipit harum odio quae!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate ipsum unde mollitia totam, architecto velit illum porro aut! Quia explicabo est qui placeat quaerat optio voluptate, suscipit harum odio quae!
10.3.2) Now the respective code after each one:
The "X" axis, as you know, means "left-right", left by negative numbers, right by positive numbers.
The "Y" axis is different from what we are used to do.
Here, positive is down. I think it's because the shadows are 99% of times UNDER something.
I don't know, but it's a good way to memorize.
This is valid for all of them.
This first one with red shadow has no "spread" value. Check the code below:
This green one has neither spread nor blur values.
It displays "solid".
"Y" has a negative value here so the shadow is agains the natural, it's up.
Check the code below:
This dark blue RGB has an "a" (rgba) meaning that is has a 20% transparency* (see below).
Black shadows with a high degree of transparency look more natural.
Still more natural would be making this shadow black, to become transparent gray. Check the picture below, with a "gray" shadow applied over a texturized background.
Check the "shadow-3" code below:
"Inset" means that the shadow is internal.
Check the code below:
This one has 3 different shadows, which are separated by comas in the code.
Check the code below:
Non-transparent png.
Transparent png.
Here is how I made the box above. I tried until it worked but it's not exactly what I intended to do. I'll learn it soon. The HTML code:
I made some modifications and it's a little bit more like I want. Image width from 30% to 100%. "Shadow-transparency" class width set: 70%. Ok, but I couldn't centralilze the pictures in the big box.